Friday, January 28, 2022

365 Days: #28 Three Women (1924)

I just added this film to my Lubitsch collection, which was recently released by Kino with a 4K restoration. 

#28 Three Women

Mrs. Mable Wilton is feeling her age, which may be why she distances herself from her 18 year old daughter, Jeanne, who thirsts for her love and attention, as her maturity is a reminder of her own advancing years. When Jeanne shows up on her mom's doorstep unannounced, she ends up stealing her mom's boyfriend, who ends up marrying her, thereby jilting her former boyfriend, Fred. When Mable discovers that Edmund has gone for a third helping on the side at her daughter's expense, she tries to buy Jeanne's freedom. When he refuses, she is forced to take matters into her own hands.

"The essential thing is that you are happy." 

I enjoy Lubitch's comedy. It is very understated in this film, since the topic of a mother and daughter being scammed by an unscrupulous man is not particularly funny. It is hard not to cheer for the mom's desperate act to save her daughter. 

The Grapefruit Diet.

Rich people's playground.

It does look like fun.

Fashionable society.

Showing off his pretend wealth.


Appraising the jewels.

Making an investment.

Unscrupulous suitor.

Excessive powdering.

Realization of stolen chastity.

Side action.

How to tell her that her husband is two timing her.

Breaking free.

Getting free.

"I do not regret the act I committed. My only remorse is at having been a negligent and frivolous mother. For that, I deserve punishment."

Recognizing the sacrifice.

An expected outcome.

Restoring order

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