Friday, January 15, 2021

New Year, New Movie: An Inspector Calls (1954)

I am going from one Scrooge to the next, as the last film I watched had Reginald Owen and tonight's film features Alastair Sim, both of whom played in my favorite versions of the Dickens classic. I only began to appreciate the delightful and talented actor that Alastair Sim truly is after seeing him in Stage Fright, which inspired me to seek out more of his films, and what has led me to watch tonight's movie. 

"The things we do to people without realizing it. Only for once we've seen the consequences."

The Gist

An inspector shows up at a wealthy family's home to question them about the death of a girl by suicide. Initially, they claim not to know her, but as he conducts his investigation, it becomes evident that they each had unique dealings with her and contributed to her unfortunate situation. 

Memorable Moments

The complaint that lead to a dismissal.

The affair that ended when it became inconvenient.

Refusing to go along.

Refusing assistance.

His turn to tell the tale.

Getting her into a bad situation.

Learning the truth.

My Thoughts

This is a charming movie that plays somewhat like an episode of the Twilight Zone. Alastair Sim has a gentle but insistent demeanor that works perfectly in the film. The message to consider the consequences of how we treat others is certainly one that bears repeating. As this film followed his appearance in A Christmas Carol, one could almost imagine that Scrooge was passing along the message of kindness and goodwill that he had learned to those who needed to hear it. 

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